Complete the questions and answers below in the simple past tense.Use the words in bracket to help1.Did Mary spend the whole afternoon at the Sports Club? Yes,_______.2.Did Flora buy a new shirt? No,______.3.Was the computer class useful? Yes, ________.4.______you and... 顯示更多 Complete the questions and answers below in the simple past tense.Use the words in bracket to help 1.Did Mary spend the whole afternoon at the Sports Club? Yes,_______. 2.Did Flora buy a new shirt? No,______. 3.Was the computer class useful? Yes, ________. 4.______you and Emily_______(play)tennis yessterday? Yes, we did. 5.______(be)you at the meeting last week? No , weren't . 6.______you_________(buy) a book for Kathy? Yes I did. 7.Did Sally __________(want) to come with us? Yes, she did. 8.Did the class start 9.a.m.? No , _________.
1. Yes, she did. 因為佢原本個答案已經知道係Yes, 所以我地只需要抄番d字落去... [Mary]我地可以轉成she... 所以答案係she did. 2. No, she didn't. 同樣道理... 知道左係No... 將Flora轉成she... did就要加not係後面... 因為個答案度係no... 所以答案就係she didn't. 3. Yes, it was. 知道左係Yes... 將the computer轉成it... 因為佢用was黎問你... 所以要用was黎答... 所以答案係it was. 4. Did , play 佢要你填番問題個part... 睇埋個答案... Yes唔洗理... we就因為佢比埋人物你... 個did就要照填番落去... 至於後面個play... 因為did已經轉左係past tense... 所以保持不變... 所以答案係Did同play. 5. Were 你問題個答案個part應該打漏左... 打漏左個 I ...不過唔足以影響答案... I weren't唔理個 I ...因為you代替左... weren't 唔可以直接填落去... 因為有No所以先會加not... 原本應該係were... 所以答案都係Were... 6. Did , buy Yes, I did唔洗理Yes同 I ...淨係要個did... 填番落去第一個空格... 後面個個解釋同第4題個個一樣... 因為did已經轉左... 所以buy就保持不變. 7. want 同樣地... 因為did已經轉左past tense... 所以want 保持不變 8. No, it didn't. 首先搵番個主喻先... 係the class... 所以轉做it... 因為有個No... 所以did就要加not... 所以個答案就係it didn't 希望可以幫到你... 有咩唔明... 可以add我MSN... aRyee_l0ve@hotmail.com
1.Did Mary spend the whole afternoon at the Sports Club? Yes,[she did]. 2.Did Flora buy a new shirt? No,[she didn't]. 3.Was the computer class useful? Yes, [it was]. 4.[Did]you and Emily[play](play)tennis yessterday? Yes, we did. 5.[Were](be)you at the meeting last week? No , weren't . 6.[Did]you[buy](buy) a book for Kathy? Yes I did. 7.Did Sally [want](want) to come with us? Yes, she did. 8.Did the class start 9.a.m.? No , [it didn't].|||||1. Yes, she did. 2. No, she didn't. 3. Yes, it was. 4. Did ... play 5. Were 6. Did ... buy 7. want 8. No, it didn't. 小心唔好打錯字|||||1.Did Mary spend the whole afternoon at the Sports Club? Yes, she did. 2.Did Flora buy a new shirt? No, she didn't. 3.Was the computer class useful? Yes, ________. 4.Bid you and Emily play (play)tennis yessterday? Yes, we did. 5.Were(be)you at the meeting last week? No , weren't . 6.Did you bought(buy) a book for Kathy? Yes I did. 7.Did Sally want (want) to come with us? Yes, she did. 8.Did the class start 9.a.m.? No , it didn't. 2009-01-02 15:08:13 補充: 3.Was the computer class useful? Yes, it was.|||||1.)She did 2.)she didn't 3.)it was useful 4.)Did,play 5.)Were 6.)Did,buy 7.)want 8.)the class did not 99%全對
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