
Certificat de Coutume


Hi! My fiance and I am planning to get marry in France this summer. Because I am a Hong Kong resident, I need a document called "Certificat de Coutume" or called in English "Certificate of Custom". Does anyone know what is it? And where can I get this document? Thank You! 更新: Where can I get the "Certificat de Coutume" in HONG KONG?





Your french............ Certificat de Coutume is not certificate of custom....... The full name for that certification is in french CERTIFICAT DE COUTUME OU DE NON-OPPOSITION in English Certification of non-impediment of marriage. Also know as single-status paper I don't know what is the department that handle this stuff in Hong kong, but it should be done in Department of Registar of Birt, Death and Marriage 2009-06-16 15:40:56 補充: the same place you register your marrige to get the certificate of non-impediment 2009-06-16 15:46:46 補充: Do remember, you only have 90 days to use this certificate once it was issued. You have to pay for another one if the certificate was issued for over 90 days


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