1.點解係山頂爆核武會比係市區爆核武更有殺傷力? 2.其實核武係唔係有"有效日期"?如果過左期就會漏幅射? 3.聽人講話爆左一枚核彈500年內不可以住人,是真嗎?為何烏克蘭果個又可以住動物同植物? 4.其實核武的有效範圍是幾多?(以前蘇聯的SS-18,美國的民兵為例)
1.點解係山頂爆核武會比係市區爆核武更有殺傷力? The asnwer is, both Radiator Damage and Fallout are affect by the LOS Effect (Line-Of-Sight). During the ground brust (Low altitude brust in the city), the blast would assorbed by the building on ground, also the fallout will be contained by the building and obstacle, so in case of a ground brust, nuclear bomb is just a very large bomb. Where the damage is localised. However, in case of an airbrust (Where missile detonate midair) there are not much obstacle to assorb the blast and nothing stop the fallout to decent immediately, so the blast radius would be 10 to 15 times as much of a ground brust. Direct Damage done is minimal tho, but the long term effect is the worse. 2.其實核武係唔係有"有效日期"?如果過左期就會漏幅射? No, you make it around, If thebomb is "expired" mean the nuclear fussion half life is reach, the bomb will not deal damage at all as all the radioactive material is satruated...... 3.聽人講話爆左一枚核彈500年內不可以住人,是真嗎?為何烏克蘭果個又可以住動物同植物? This is said in the 40s where Nuclear is still a myths.... Actually, depend on how large the scale of damage is, if that is a sole detonation (1 Nuclear Bomb or Missile) then the decontamination should take around 3-6 months, faster if there were rain to help clear fallout. The key is how fast you bury the radioactive substance, cos of the mother earth act as an electric pool, which full of electron. The earth will "Earth" the radioactive substance by neutralising it by feeding electron to satruate the nuclui As long as you put all contaminated metal bury 6 ft under (Well,actually deeper than that) once the fallout blow though, then you are in the clear. However, if there were more than 1 nuclear explosion, and it kills a lot of people, then you would have not enough people clearing a larger mess. Of course it would take longer...... 4.其實核武的有效範圍是幾多?(以前蘇聯的SS-18,美國的民兵為例) 2009-11-28 15:08:17 補充: Depends on what kind of range you are talking about. You have blast radius (ground zero), fallout zone, contamination zone. 2009-11-28 15:08:30 補充: Blast Radius of Neclear missile are generally 5-10KM (About a city wide) Where Fallout zone is about 100-200KM radius, depend on preveiling win, contamination zone is uncalculatable until you have a blast site. 2009-11-28 15:08:35 補充: Cos it based on wind blow, rain, river that rush, blow and carry contanimated material to other location......