我唔明點睇phy既s-t, v-t, & a-t graph, 點分呀?????
我唔明點睇phy既s-t, v-t, & a-t graph, 點分呀?????
I don't really understand exactly what u want to ask so i give u some idea about these graphes s-t is the graph of displacement vs time v-t is the graph of velocity vs time a-t is the graph of acceleration vs time displacement, velocity and acceleration is a vector =>has a direction =>can be negative value **remember they are different from distance, speed for displacement and velocity If u do calculus u will know that the gradient(dy/dx or rate of change) of velocity is the function of acceleration and intergral(anti-differentiation, area under the curve) the function of acceleration is the velocity below will also show u the relationship with displacement: d(displacement)/dx = velocity d(velocity)/dx = acceleration ∫acceleration dx = velocity ∫velocity dx = displacement so when u doing the s-t, v-t, & a-t graph, if the question given the s-t graph then just find the gradient of each point then u will get v-t graph and so on to get the a-t graph if the question given the a-t graph then just find the area under the curve will give u the v-t and so on to get the s-t graph